French Bulldog Lounging On Floor

Mobile mutts on holi-bobs!

Hello, hot hounds!

It’s been muggy, hot, sunny, and stormy all over the place this month – right?

Getting out for walks has been an exercise in layering and squinting for us pet parents. But how are your pooches coping in the petulant weather?

There are lots of things we can do to keep our lively pups (young and old) nice and cool, rain or shine, inside or outdoors.

Here are a few of our faves:

Cooling mats

A non-toxic filled cooling mat is a great way to practice boundaries and keep your furry frolicker nice and chilled.

Ice cubes

Dogs usually love an ice cube (especially ones infused with chicken stock!) but remember to always supervise your stinky hair-child when they’re chomping on ice. Never give ice to a dog that you suspect has heatstroke.

Shady hangouts

Wherever you’re headed, make sure there’s a shady option (that is not the car) and teach your pup to take a pew for a few.

Plenty of water

Of both the drinking and the playing variety! Cool, soaked towels are also a great napping spot for hot dogs. If your pooch loves the paddling pool, make sure they dry off in the shade rather than the sun.

Whether old or young, our charismatic canines love an excuse to play outside, meet new friends and go on adventures – all summer long!

If the increase in activity has got you worried about your walking buddy’s joints, you can give them support all year round too!


Products like our Mobility Tonic or Joint Care Supplement are an easy way to ensure that adventure assistance is part of your daily routine!

Simply drop or sprinkle a little in their breakfast and keep your pooch careering, cantering, and cooling off without pain, all Summer, Autumn, Winter, and Spring.

We hope you enjoy your happy Herbal handfuls safely in the heat

Team HDC


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