allergies in dogs

Help For Joint Care For Dogs

Get the right help for joint care for dogs

We all want the best for our dogs. They keep us company on the cold nights in and make us laugh when they perform their own unique skills. One aspect of keeping a dog that many people can look past is keeping them fit and health, and just like us, they can experience certain health issues such as joint pain.

Common in many breeds, dogs can experience more joint pain as they get older, so it’s important to be invested in their long-term health and do all you can to make them as comfortable and health as possible.

At Herbal Dog Co Ltd we pride ourselves on providing herbal dog products that are free from any nasty chemicals, but still bring out the best in your dog.

Our Fast Acting Mobility Tonic is a great addition to their routine and can be added to their food or simply placed in their mouth- for the more laid back dogs out there!

With no palm oil or chemicals, this tonic is made from natural ingredients such as Skullcap, Wild Sage, Milk Thistle, Devils Claw, Aqueous extracts of Apium Seed (Wild Celery), Organic Cyder Vinegar. All these ingredients are hand-blended and help to support the health of your dog’s joints, ligaments & tendons.


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